The objective of this survey is to assess self-preparedness of Paediatric Infectious Diseases (PID) trainees to deal with particular topics of PID (specifically antimicrobial stewardship) and to identify potential gaps in PID training programs in Europe.

Question Title

* 1. Are you currently undertaking  or have you recently completed a formal training in Pediatric Infectious Diseases (PID)?

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* 3. Is your training part of a recognised, formal PID training programme?

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* 4. Which year of your training are you in ?

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* 5. What is your gender?

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* 6. What is your year of birth?

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* 7. Is there a formal training in Pediatric Infectious Diseases available in your country?

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* 8. In which country have you done or are you doing your Pediatric Infectious Diseases training?

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* 9. What is your current position?

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* 10. In which type of healthcare facilities are you working?

Question Title

* 11. If you are a trainee, do you think you will be able to work as a Paediatric Infectious Diseases specialist in the future?

Not certainly not Unsure Yes certainly
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

Question Title

* 12. How satisfied are you with your Paediatric Infectious Diseases training?

Completely disatisfied Fully satisfied
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.