Question Title

* 1. Quarter Reporting

Question Title

* 2. Name of Entity:

Question Title

* 3. Person Completing Report:

Question Title

* 4. Number of Trauma Patients sedated in the field with mechanism of injury conducive for head injury? 

Question Title

* 5. Total number of diversion occurrences for your facility this quarter

Question Title

* 6. Total number of hours on diversion for your facility this quarter.

Question Title

* 7. Number of patients that met the RAC-D definition of “Major Trauma” that were transferred to hospitals outside of RAC-D this quarter.

Question Title

* 8. Trauma patient transferred for higher leve of care > 2 hours after arrival this quarter

Question Title

* 9. Number of transfer delays due to EMS Transportation

Question Title

* 10. Number of transfer delays due tobed availability

Question Title

* 11. Other (list out other reasons for delay

Question Title

* 12. Number of trauma related pediatric resuscitations.

Question Title

* 13. Number of trauma transfer denials (denied acceptance for transfer from your facility)

Question Title

* 14. Number of transfer denials due to bed availability

Question Title

* 15. Number of transfer denials due to speciality unavailable

Question Title

* 16. Other (list out reasons for denial)

Question Title

* 17. Number oftrauma transfers from your facility whoe acceptance time exceeds 30 minutes

Question Title

* 18. Number of trauma admits (> 24 hours) to your facility this quarter.

Question Title

* 19. Number of traumapatients admitted to your ICU this quarter

Question Title

* 20. Number of trauma admissions with ISS > 9 this quarter.

Question Title

* 21. Number of trauma related deaths at your facility this quarter.

Question Title

* 22. Number of trauma-related deaths with opportunity for improvement this quarter.

Question Title

* 23. Number of trauma-related deathes without opportunity for improvement this quarter

Question Title

* 24. Number of patients admitted from the ER directly to the OR this quarter

Question Title

* 25. Patient Care to be Reviewed by RAC-D PI Committee:

Question Title

* 27. Chart Identification #:

Question Title

* 28. Mechanism of Injury:

Question Title

* 29. Identified injuries and pertinent information:

Question Title

* 30. Patient Outcome:

Question Title

* 31. Reason for RAC-D PI Review:

Question Title

* 32. Contributing Factors: