Educator Exit Interview Edmonton Question Title * 1. What level of Early Childhood Education certification do you have? Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Don't have a level Question Title * 2. Please rate your experience with Child Development Dayhomes (CDDHE)? Excellent Good Fair Poor Question Title * 3. What are your reasons for leaving the agency? Going on maternity leave CDDHE has decided not to work with my day home Not able to work with CDDHE Hours are too long/hard Going back to school Too many regulations or training required Leaving the field of child care Decided to care for children privately Decided to go with another agency Trouble filling spaces Other (please specify) Question Title * 4. If you are leaving the field of child care, please explain why. (Skip if not applicable) Question Title * 5. What were your consultant's strengths and areas for improvement? Question Title * 6. Would you recommend CDDHE to other potential day home educators? Why or why not? Yes No Please explain Question Title * 7. Do you have any suggestions on how we can improve? Done