Wallace Welds Customer Satisfaction Feedback Form

1.Which product/service did you receive from Wallace Welds?
2.When did you receive products or services from Wallace Welds?
3.How satisfied were you with your products/services from Wallace Welds?
4.Which of the following would you use to describe our products/services?
5.How would you describe your interaction with Josh Wallace, and Wallace Welds staff? (select all that apply)
6.How well did our products/services meet your needs?
7.How would you rate the value for money of the product/services?
8.How would you rate the planning process of your product/service? (select all that apply)
9.How likely are you to use Wallace Welds for future welding & marine fabrication? 
10.Do you have any comments related to how Wallace Welds can improve their services and products? Please share here. If you require follow up for an issue or complaint, please add contact information here. Wallace Welds will respond within 48 hours to ensure your concerns are addressed. Thank you.
Current Progress,
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