motion submission

The public health medicine conference will debate motions on Monday 26th February 2024.
If passed, motions will be submitted to the public health medicine committee and prioritised for submission to the JAC (joint agenda committee for the 2024 branch of practice conferences) and ARM (annual representative meeting). Motions passed by the ARM become BMA policy.

To submit motions for debate, on any subject, please upload them below by 10am on Friday 26th January 2024. 
If you have any queries about the motions or the voting process, please contact
Thank you in advance for your participation in this process.  

Please find below an example motion to assist with your submission. If you require further assistance there is useful information on the BMA website motions writing page.

Example motion 1:

That this meeting recognises the longstanding issues around the divergence of pay and Terms & Conditions for public health specialists across the UK, and applauds the suggested solutions outlined in the public health specialists manifesto 2022. It therefore calls upon the BMA to:-
i) seek all public health registrars, regardless of background, to be employed under the junior doctor contract in their respective nation;
ii) seek all public health consultants, regardless of background, to be employed under a national contract modelled on the medical consultants contract in their respective nation;
iii) ensure that all public health consultants and trainees, irrespective of their place of employment, are awarded the same pay, terms and conditions of services as equivalent NHS employees;
iv) seek negotiating rights on behalf of public health doctors employed by local authorities;
v) explore closer relationships and new ways of working with other trades unions where appropriate.

Question Title

* 1. Please enter your contact details below

Question Title

* 2. Please type your motion in the free text box below.

Question Title

* 3. Please type your motion in the free text box below. (Please leave blank if you have no other motions to submit.)

Question Title

* 4. Please type your motion in the free text box below. (Please leave blank if you have no other motions to submit.)

If you have any queries about the retired members conference motions, please contact

Please click on the SUBMIT button below to submit your motion(s). You will then see a message on screen to confirm receipt.

GDPR Statement
Any data supplied will be viewed by BMA staff and, where appropriate, public health medicine conference officers. Motions and the name of the proposer will be shared with retired members conference delegates. Data will be retained by the BMA for a period not exceeding one year post the closure of the conference, before final deletion. Individually identifiable data will not be shared with third parties. Anonymised or statistical data may be used publicly or shared with third parties.

Thank you for participating.