Community Nutrition Education Needs

Survey Overview

The Portage Health Foundation (PHF) is hoping to host a variety of nutrition-focused educational sessions for our community throughout 2023 and 2024. The goal is to tailor these sessions to meet the educational needs and gaps in our community, based on different populations, life stages, and circumstances.
1.You are invited to provide your insight and we look forward to learning how we can better support our community with these efforts. All responses remain anonymous and your participation is voluntary.

This is a brief survey and should take no longer than 5-10 minutes to complete.
2.If you were to define "healthful eating" or "nourishing food” in your own words, what would you say?
3.Do you currently have any children living with you or expect to have any children living with you in the next 9 months? [If answer is No, Skip to Q7]
4.[If Yes for Q3] How many total children are currently living with you? Include any expected children in the next 9 months in your total.
5.[If Yes for Q3] Please select the age range(s) of the children in your household. You can select more than one answer. 
6.[If Yes for Q3] What are the biggest challenges you face to support healthful eating for the children in your household?
7.When it comes to eating more healthfully, what are the biggest challenges YOU face?
8.What nutrition- or food-related topics would you find most valuable to learn more about?  
9.What type(s) of education would you prefer be offered? You can select more than one option.
10.What day and time would work best to host an educational session? You can select more than one option. 
11.Do you have access to the following? Please select all that apply.
12.Please select your age group.
13.Please list any additional thoughts or needs you may have about healthful eating here.