EAC Committee - Call to Join a Site Team |
Be Part of our Team!
The IALS has launched an international program to evaluate and assist law schools and law programs. This is in response to our members' many requests over the years that we institute a program of international experts to visit, evaluate and provide advice to member schools.
The program is voluntary and open to any IALS member school that would like to participate. Its purposes are threefold:
- to evaluate a school's program of legal education, focusing on the current curriculum, including pedagogies used and its administration, against agreed-upon global standards; to learn from innovations and best practices employed by the member school and to offer advice on possible improvements;
- to give the schools information to help them better explain their programs and possible changes to their universities and regulators as viewed against those global standards; and
- after the establishment of certification criteria, upon achieving these international standards as contextually applied by the mission of the school, to have the added prestige affiliated with gaining recognition by certification from a globally learned society of law schools.
Participating in the program requires a school to complete a Self-Assessment Report. The IALS Evaluation, Assessment, and Certification Committee (EACC or Committee) will review that report to ensure it is complete, may ask for additional information, and determine that the school is ready for a site visit. Then, IALS will conduct a site visit, selecting four or so expert faculty from different regions of the world who will visit the school for several days to ask questions, meet with key leaders, visit classes, faculty, and students, and, in general, make sure they have a clear picture of the current operation of the school. That team will then write a report with recommendations to be submitted to the school for consideration.
The Site Team will comprise volunteers who will not be paid for their time or expertise. We invite members willing and able to serve as site team evaluators for our pilot program to join the EAC Committee. These members will also work with the Anchor Schools and Pilot Schools to develop a quality assurance program that grows from our community. We want to invite members from each of our regions (Africa, Americas, Asia-Pacific, and Europe) with interest in the EAC Program increasing and the need to make up Site Evaluation teams. Please fill in the link below if you want to join the EAC Committee.