Question Title

* 1. How were you notified of the pipeline improvement project that would take place on your property? (Select all that apply)

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* 2. Please rate your overall satisfaction with the information that was provided to you throughout the pipeline improvement project.

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* 3. Given a choice, how would you prefer to be notified of work that was to be done on or around your property in the future? (Select all that apply)

Question Title

* 4. Please rate your level of satisfaction with the following elements of how Philadelphia Gas Works or its contractors managed the construction site around your property.

  Completely Satisfied Satisfied Neither Satisfied Nor Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Completely Dissatisfied N/A
Overall satisfaction with the pipeline improvement project.
Paying close attention to the safety of the site.
Attending to the needs of pedestrians.
Providing access to my property.
Professionalism of the work crew.
Helpfulness of the work crew.

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* 5. Do you have outstanding or unresolved questions/concerns as a result of the project?

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* 6. What could Philadelphia Gas Works have changed or improved that would have enhanced your overall service experience with the pipeline improvement project?

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* 7. So that we may effectively utilize your feedback, please provide your postal code.

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* 8. Address (optional)