Developing the PGLO Work Plan for Fiscal Year 2021-22


In 2020, the Provincial Geriatrics Leadership Office (PGLO), an entity funded by the Ministry of Health (MOH), began in earnest to build the provincial infrastructure for clinical geriatrics care. Throughout the year, despite the ongoing pandemic, the PGLO focused on coordinating perspectives across clinical geriatric services (Care of the Elderly, Geriatric Medicine, Geriatric Psychiatry/Seniors Mental Health and Interprofessional Geriatric Teams) in order to improve the care for older adults across the continuum of care.

Taking direction from both the MOH and the clinical community, the PGLO pursued an ambitious three-year strategic plan in fiscal year 2020/2021.

As 2020 ends, and we look ahead to the new fiscal year, we are returning to our colleagues and broader community for your advice about the priorities you envision for a provincial entity focused on health services for older persons’ living with complex and chronic health concerns.

Please help us to set our priorities with your advice and input.
1.Please describe yourself for us (check all that apply)
2.Of the following priorities, what should we stop doing, start doing or continue doing (current activities are labelled "current")
Identification/Promotion of Effective Clinical Models (current)
Working with/Supporting Ontario Health Teams (current)
Central Intake into Geriatric Services (current)
Planning for the Future Workforce in Older Adult Care (current)
Development of Communities of Practice for Clinicians (proposed)
Post Pandemic Recovery Strategies for Geriatric Services (proposed)
3.Is there anything else we haven't asked that you would like to mention?
Current Progress,
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