Question Title

* 1. Overall, how satisfied are you with OMHRA?

Question Title

* 2. How effectively do you feel OMHRA communicates to its members?

Question Title

* 3. What is your preferred means to consume thought leadership/learn new things?

Question Title

* 4. Are our conference and newsletter topics timely and relevant and do they help you perform your job?

Question Title

* 5. The thought leadership topics I am most interested in are:

Question Title

* 6. On average, how frequently do you read emails from OMHRA?

Question Title

* 7. How do you rate the quality and relevance of our newsletter/blog content?

Question Title

* 8. Through which channels do you typically engage with OMHRA (check all that apply)

Question Title

* 9. Rather than sending individual emails throughout the week on a variety of topics, I would prefer that OMHRA send me a consolidated weekly email that contains information about upcoming events, actions required, job postings, etc.

Question Title

* 10. For the following list of OMHRA services/programs, please indicate your level of awareness and utilization.

  Aware and Currently Use Aware and Unused in the Past Aware but Don't Anticipate Using Not Aware but Might Use Not Aware and Won't Use
Labour Relations Information System (LRIS)
Policy Library
Discussion Forum
Members Lounge
Job Board
HR Navigator newsletter
Advocacy Library
Weekly blog series
Spring Workshop
Fall Conference
OMMI HR Designation

Question Title

* 11. Do you have any comments or suggestions regarding how OMHRA can improve its communications with members?

Question Title

* 12. Please indicate your level of satisfaction with the following list of services/programs which you have used.

  Extremely satisfied Very satisfied Satisfied Not satisfied Have not used
Labour Relations Information System (LRIS)
Policy Library
Discussion Forum
Members Lounge
Advocacy Library
Job Board
HR Navigator
Weekly blog series
Spring Workshop
Fall Conference
OMMI HR Designation

Question Title

* 13. Following is a list of modules available in the Members Lounge.

For each module, please indicate if you were or were not aware the service was offered.

  Aware of and currently use Aware and used in the past Aware but don't use Not aware but might use Not aware and won't use
Alerts for current year
Alerts for previous year
Professional Development Events Library
OMHRA Member Resources
OMHRA Policies and Procedures
Board meeting minutes for current year
OMHRA Bargaining Guidelines
Downloadable invitations to Collective Bargaining Working Groups and Communities of Practice in calendar

Question Title

* 14. Please indicate how satisfied you are that OMHRA adequately represents your interests to...

  Extremely satisfied Very satisfied Satisfied Not satisfied Don't know
Related professional groups
Provincial and federal governments
The media
The public

Question Title

* 15. Is there an issue(s) that you believe has implications for the practice of human resource management that you believe OMHRA should be speaking to the provincial government about?

And if so, what changes do you believe need to be made to positively impact our profession and the people of Ontario?

Question Title

* 16. Please indicate your response to the following questions:

  Strongly agree Agree Neither agree or disagree Disagree
I would recommend OMHRA membership to colleagues
OMHRA provides members will plenty of opportunity to be involved in its work
OMHRA has a clear vision and strategy
OMHRA usually achieves what it sets out to accomplish
Membership in OMHRA makes me more successful as an individual professional
Membership in OMHRA makes my municipality more successful

Question Title

* 17. What is the MOST IMPORTANT thing OMHRA could do to improve your level of satisfaction with the association?

Question Title

* 18. Please indicate if you have an interest in volunteering for any of the following OMHRA activities:

Question Title

* 19. Following are a list of reasons why members may choose to belong to OMHRA. Please indicate how important each factor is to you in deciding to maintain membership in OMHRA

  Very important Somewhat important Not very important Irrelevant Don't know Not applicable
My employer pays for my membership
Opportunity to participate in conferences and webinars
Networking with peers
To contribute to the development of my profession
To contribute to my professional development
It looks good on my resume
To keep abreast of what is happening in the profession/sector

Question Title

* 20. One of OMHRA’s strategic priorities is to ensure that OMHRA creates respectful relationships with Indigenous communities and provides education and tools for members to help them facilitate equitable municipal workplaces.

Do you have recommendations of professional development opportunities that OMHRA could create for members to learn about Indigenous history, cultural sensitivity training and/or land learning experiences?

If so, can you recommend an Indigenous expert to work with OMHRA to organize this opportunity? Please provide their name and contact information?

Question Title

* 21. Do you perceive value in OMHRA establishing a leadership certification program in conjunction with an education partner.

Question Title

* 22. Do you perceive value in OMHRA developing an LRIS app?

Question Title

* 23. Do you perceive value in OMHRA creating an Internship Board on its website where municipalities could post internship opportunities?

Question Title

* 24. If you were provided with a written Power Point presentation, would you actively participate in an “Ambassador Program” by soliciting opportunities and speaking to your alma maters or local post-secondary institutions about the benefits of careers in municipal Human Resource management?

Question Title

* 25. Which region of the province do you live in?

Question Title

* 26. My municipality is:

Question Title

* 27. My municipality has a population:

Question Title

* 28. What is your membership category:

Question Title

* 29. Please indicate which of the following most closely reflects your job title:

Question Title

* 30. How long have you been a member of OMHRA?

Question Title

* 31. In order that your name may be placed in the draw for a iPad and to allow us to follow up on your responses regarding volunteer activities, please provide your contact information.

Question Title

* 32. OMHRA President, Lori Bolton, invites you to reach out to her with any questions you may have about this survey or about OMHRA’s activities. Your comments and suggestions are always helpful in ensuring that OMHRA is responding to the needs of its members.

 She may be reached at

 Thank you for participating in this survey. Your responses will be helpful to refine OMHRA’s strategic plan.