Informed Consent to Participate in Research

We are seeking your opinion through this survey to understand community preparedness and perceptions about earthquakes in Shoreline and Kirkland, Washington. This survey will take approximately 15 mins and will help guide local emergency management and policy recommendations for earthquake preparedness and recovery.
By participating in the survey, you will be eligible to enter the raffle for a $100 Visa gift card.
All responses to this survey are confidential and will remain anonymous. This survey is completely voluntary and there are no negative consequences if you don’t want to take it. If you start the survey, you can always change your mind and stop at any time. Responses are being collected primarily through this website, but paper copies can be available as needed. For more information, please contact us at
This survey will remain open from October 16 to December 3, 2023.
To get started, please read and agree to the information below.
Molly Daly | Coordinator
Institute of Hazard Mitigation Planning and Research, University of Washington

Himanshu Grover (Ph.D., AICP) | Principal Investigator
Assistant Professor, University of Washington Department of Urban Design and Planning
Co-Director, Institute for Hazard Mitigation Planning and Research

Branden Johnson (Ph.D.) | Co-Principal Investigator
Senior Research Scientist, Decision Research

Michael Lindell (Ph.D.) | Co-Principal Investigator
Affiliate Professor, University of Washington Department of Urban Design and Planning
Affiliate Professor, Boise State University Department of Geosciences
Affiliate Professor, Oregon State University School of Civil and Construction Engineering

Youngjun Choe (Ph.D.) | Co-Principal Investigator
Associate Professor, University of Washington Department of Industrial & Systems Engineering
Director, Disaster Data Science Lab

Purpose of Study:
We want to understand community knowledge and priorities as it relates to earthquake impacts and household preparedness. Studying these areas will contribute to further research and policies to improve community resilience and recovery in the case of an earthquake disaster. 

Survey Topics:
This survey will ask questions about your knowledge and perception of earthquake impacts, preparedness actions for households, information sources, and critical infrastructure disruptions. It also includes demographic questions, such as the age of you and members of your household, marital status, income, etc. 

How long will it take? About 15 minutes
Costs: None  
Compensation: None
Funding source: National Science Foundation (NSF)
Confidentiality and Data Security: No identifying information will be collected as part of this study. .

Questions about the research, complaints, or problems: Contact

Please print or save this screen if you want to be able to access the information later.
IRB #: STUDY00018416

Agreement to Participate:
Your participation is completely voluntary, and you can withdraw at any time.
To take this survey, you must be:
At least 18 years old
U.S. Resident in Shoreline, WA or Kirkland, WA

Question Title

* 1. Do you agree to participate in the study described above?

Question Title

* 2. Please enter the unique code that was included on the postcard mailed to you. 

Question Title

* 3. Would you like us to use your email address to enter you into the raffle for a $100 Visa gift card? If so, please type your email address below.