The Corporation of the Municipality of Temagami has prepared the draft budget for the upcoming year. We are seeking feedback from the public and ratepayers on several important matters, including discretionary capital items, potential tax rate changes, and area-rated charges for water, sewer, garbage, and grinder pumps.

It is important to note that the Municipality of Temagami is expecting the next phase of our asset management plan to be completed by the end of this fiscal year and some of the priorities may shift based on needs identified in this document.

Please review the Draft Operating, Capital Required, Discretionary Capital, Conditional on Funding Capital and all of the Capital Request Forms attached prior to answering the following questions. All of these Documents along with an overview are available at the following link:

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* 1. Please Rank the following discretionary Capital Requests from most important to least important to you. This discretionary capital list includes priority projects identified for the next 3 years.

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* 2. Please list any other items that you feel should be on our Capital Expenditure List and Why? What would you have ranked this/these items?

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* 3. Area Rated Charges are expected to increase 12% overall from 2023 to 2024 and an additional 17% from 2024 to 2025 resulting in a total cost increase of $765.44 over the two year period. This area rated charge increase is additional to the proposed 2024 6% tax increase. Do you have any comments regarding these expected increases?

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* 4. As outlined in the commentary provided, the mandatory costs from other agencies has increased approximately $120,000 for 2024 resulting in a 2.7% property tax rate increase (for every 1% increase in the tax rate the result is approximately $45,000 of funds raised). Council is proposing a 6% property tax rate increase. How high of an increase would you be comfortable with (please refer to the commentary for an illustration of how a tax rate increase could affect your yearly property taxes based on MPAC Values).

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* 5. What is important to you for the Municipality of Temagami (are there any programs or services that you wish were being offered)?

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* 6. What do you suggest Council focus the Municipality's resources on for future years to come?