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How well do you know the stories of the Bible? Take our multiple-choice quiz about all the stories we’re covering in The Story Project. Celebrate what you already know and learn some more along the way. We’ll offer the quiz again when our series ends next summer so you can see your progress!

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* 1. I read the Bible on my own several times a week (outside of church).

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* 2. I have read the Bible all the way through at least once.

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* 3. On a scale of 1 to 10, I would rank my Bible knowledge/understanding as…

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* 4. What is the main idea of Genesis 1?

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* 5. God created humanity in his image. That means…

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* 6. Genesis 3 describes what is called “the Fall.” This is…

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* 7. The Story of Noah’s Ark is…

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* 8. The Story of the Tower of Babel shows us that…

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* 9. The “Exodus” in the Old Testament refers to…

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* 10. God giving Moses the 10 Commandments shows us…

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* 11. Which of the 10 Commandments did Jesus say was the “greatest commandment”?

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* 12. Which Bible verse defines the culture during the times of the Book of Judges.

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* 13. Deborah’s story shows us that…

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* 14. Hannah is best known for…

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* 15. Elijah is most famous for…

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* 16. David’s closest companion was…

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* 17. The story of David and Goliath shows us that…

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* 18. What caused David to repent of his sin against Uriah and Bathsheba?

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* 19. Why was King David not allowed to build a temple for the LORD?

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* 20. In Jeremiah, how did God tell his people to relate to their ungodly neighbors?

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* 21. Daniel is a great example of faithfulness because:

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* 22. What book(s) of the Bible contain song lyrics that can help us worship God?

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* 23. Ezra and Nehemiah record the rebuilding of these two Israelite structures:

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* 24. When Ezra read the Jewish Law to the returning Israelites, they were…

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* 25. The story of Esther shows us that…

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* 26. Isaiah 9:6-7 is a prophecy about…

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* 27. Isaiah 53:3-6 is a prophecy about…

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* 28. John the Baptist…

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* 29. Jesus being born into a poor family in Bethlehem points us to…

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* 30. The Temptation of Jesus shows us that…

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* 31. Jesus’ conversation with Nicodemus is important because it shows us…

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* 32. When Jesus started his ministry in Nazareth, the religious leaders in the synagogue…

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* 33. The Miracle of Feeding the 5000 was that…

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* 34. When asked if people should pay taxes to the Roman Government, Jesus said:

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* 35. When Jesus told the “Rich Young Ruler” to give up his wealth to follow God…

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* 36. The Roman Centurion showed incredible faith in Jesus because…

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* 37. When Jesus was “transfigured” on the mountaintop, which two people from the Old Testament miraculously appeared next to him?

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* 38. When Jesus spoke to the Samaritan woman at the well…

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* 39. When Jesus cleared the temple of the moneychangers…

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* 40. The story of the widow’s offering teaches us that…

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* 41. What was Jesus doing right before he miraculously calmed the stormy sea?

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* 42. When Jesus walked on water…

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* 43. When Jesus washed his disciple’s feet, he was teaching them…

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* 44. In John 14 Jesus says…

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* 45. The main takeaway from the Parable of the Prodigal Son is that…

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* 46. Jesus’ illustration of the vine and branches teaches us that…

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* 47. What word(s) does Jesus use to describe the Holy Spirit?

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* 48. The “Lord's Supper” is…

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* 49. The story of the Bible teaches that Jesus was crucified…

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* 50. Jesus rose from the dead…

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* 51. The Great Commission is when Jesus sends out his followers to “make disciples of all the nations.” What two actions does he specifically tell the disciples to do?

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* 52. Pentecost is…

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* 53. How does Acts 2 describe the early Christian's experience of church?

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* 54. Peter and Cornelius eating together is important because it shows us…

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* 55. Who was the first Christian to die for his faith in the Book of Acts?

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* 56. Philip was able to explain something that was confusing to the Ethiopian Eunuch. What was it?

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* 57. Who helped Peter Escape from Prison…

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* 58. Saul/Paul had a dramatic conversion experience when…

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* 59. Barnabas is an important person in the early church. What can the meaning of his name teach us about relating to people?

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* 60. What two qualities defined the people chosen to do ministry in Acts 6?

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* 61. The Jerusalem Council in Acts 15 was an important meeting because…

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* 62. In the book of Acts, Lydia is…

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* 63. What did Paul and Silas do when they were beaten and thrown into prison?

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* 64. When Paul the missionary visited Athens and saw all the people’s idols, Paul…

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* 65. Which of the following is NOT a quote from the book of Romans?

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* 66. Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, and Colossians…

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* 67. Which of the following is NOT a quotation from the New Testament Letter of James?

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* 68. The “Letters to the Seven Churches” in the Book of Revelation

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* 69. How does Revelation 22 describe the “New Heavens and New Earth?”