Question Title

* 1. What is your level of satisfaction with the following in relation to the Precision Instrumentation Technologies (PIT) facility?

  Very Low Low Moderate High Very high Not applicable
Access to services and instruments
Timeliness of delivery of service/product/data
Type of instruments
Condition/maintenance of the instruments
Staff knowledge and expertise
Professionalism of Center staff
Consultation services/assay development
Data analysis
Training (content and quality)
Communication by the Center Staff
Usage fee rates
Outreach/information about Center services and instruments (i.e., does the Center adequately advertise its services and expertise?)
Relevant and timely improvements and/or additions to services/instrumentation

Question Title

* 2. Please comment on services/products that the PIT needs to improve. For the service/product referenced above as needing improvement, how critical to your research is it to have this service/product available from a Resource Center?

Question Title

* 3. Are there services/products/instruments not currently available in University Resource Centers that you recommend the University pursue making available in the PIT?

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* 4. Does your Laboratory obtain services similar to those offered by the  PIT from a different source?