2022 - 2023 Longwood Parent and Family Engagement Evaluation

Longwood Leopards - Laugh. Love.  Learn.  - We are Unstoppable!

Thank you for taking our survey about the 2022 - 2023 Longwood Parent and Family Engagement Plan.  We value your thoughts and opinions and your input helps us design a better plan for 2023 - 2024.
1.Tell us about yourself.  Check all that apply.
2.Which parent and family events have you attended so far this year?
3.Did these parent and family events/workshops provide you with useful information or strategies to assist and support student learning?
4.Please choose the best way that Longwood can inform you of future family nights and other events.
5.Please choose your preferred venue for Family Math Night.
6.I would like Science Night to continue as an in-person event at Longwood Elementary next year.
7.I would like Literacy Night to continue as an in-person event at Longwood Elementary.
8.For all events, the best time of day for me to attend is
9.If you did not attend any parent and family events/workshops, what barriers prevented you from attending?(Required.)
10.Which events would you be interested in attending next year?
11.Did the addition of food influence your decision to attend the Longwood Family Engagement events at night - Literacy Night, Science Night, etc.?
12.Would you like to be a part of the planning of the 2023-2024 Parent and Family Engagement Plan?  We encourage everyone to bring their ideas and become involved.
13.If you answered YES to the previous question and would like to be involved in the planning for the 2023-2024 Parent and Family Engagement Plan, please provide your e-mail so we may contact you for a future planning meeting.
14.The Title I Annual Meeting was presented as a part of the Open House.  How would you like to see the Annual Meeting presented in Fall 2023
15.Did your student attend any of our Enrichment Programs at Longwood this year?
16.In May, students will get to choose 3 books to take home for Summer Reading as well as a grade level math workbook.  How likely are you to read the books and use the math workbook?
17.I am familiar with the new B.E.S.T. standards for Reading and Math.(Required.)
18.Please provide any comments you have about Longwood Elementary.
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