Monarch System Inc ~ Motivational Interviewing Level 3 Advanced Progressive Workshop, Elgin-St Thomas  ~ Pre-Event Questions

First Motivational Interviewing Learning Experience

In service of you getting what you want out of this Level 3 workshop, we want to co-design the content of the workshop so that the exercises, discussions etc work to your best learning advantage. To that end then, please respond to the following 5 questions and submit your response/s BY Friday 10 November 2023
1.When do you use MI, professionally and/or personally. That is, when do you find MI most useful?
2.What MI tool tools do you most frequently use? Specific examples - no client or identifying information, please.
3.What issues, if any, have arisen in using MI effectively to change behaviours with your clients?
4.What specific needs do you have for this workshop?
5.If, at the end of this Level 3 Monarch MI workshop on November 28th, you left satisfied it was two half-days well spent, what would you have learned?
Current Progress,
0 of 5 answered