SJCOG Unmet Transit Needs Survey The San Joaquin Council of Governments is conducting an annual assessment of the region's transit needs. Thank you for taking the time to conduct this survey and provide feedback on any unmet transit needs that you are aware of. Question Title * 1. Do you use public transit? Yes No If No, why do you not use public transportation? Question Title * 2. If Yes, please choose the services you use. Altamont Corridor Express (ACE) RTD Local RTD Express RTD County Hopper RTD VanGo! RTD Commuter (Bay Area or Sacramento) RTD Dial-A-Ride ACCESS San Joaquin MyRide Program Tracy TRACER Tracy TRACER Paratransit Manteca Transit Manteca Dial-A-Ride Lodi Grapeline Lodi Dial-A-Ride Lodi VineLine ADA Escalon eTrans (MAX Route 35) Ripon Blossom Express Ripon Dial-A-Ride Other (Including Amtrak, Greyhound, Modesto MAX Commuter) Question Title * 3. Why do you use public transit? Work School Shopping Recreation Social Activities Medical Appointments Other (please specify) Question Title * 4. Are there places in San Joaquin County you can't access using public transportation? Yes No (If No, skip to the next page) Question Title * 5. What trips would you like to make using transit that you cannot make now? (1st Choice) Origin (address): Destination (address): Time of Day: Day of the Week: Purpose of the Trip: Question Title * 6. What trips would you like to make using transit that you cannot make now? (2nd Choice) Origin (address): Destination (address): Time of Day: Day of the Week: Purpose of the Trip: Next