Software Org Health Scan Take this short survey to see how your development organization ranks! This will take less than 30 seconds to fill out! Question Title * 1. Do you have a defined development and testing process? Yes No Question Title * 2. Are requirements written down prior to implementation? Yes No Sometimes Question Title * 3. How involved is a product owner in your process? Very Somewhat Not Involved Question Title * 4. Do you use a tool for defect tracking (JIRA, Quality Center, TFS, Bugzilla, etc.)? Yes No Question Title * 5. Do you test new code while it is being developed? Yes No Sometimes Question Title * 6. Do you have test environments? Yes No Question Title * 7. Which group finds the most defects: Users Testers Developers Question Title * 8. Are defects triaged with the insight of product owners prior to developers seeing them? Yes No Sometimes Question Title * 9. Would you describe the relationship between testers and dev as: Teammates with a common goal of producing quality applications for the business Adversaries who are usually blaming the other group when the business finds something wrong in production Some thing in between Question Title * 10. Does the team use source code control (GitHub, GitLab, Subversion, Mercurial, TFS, etc.)? Yes No Sometimes Question Title * 11. Is deployment of your application (or each of your services) a "one button" action? Yes No Sometimes Question Title * 12. Does your organization allocate resources for training each year? Yes No Some years Question Title * 13. We will be sending your Software Org Health Scan and your ranking within 48 hours. Please provide a valid email address. If you have any questions about this Health Scan please contact, Done