Primary Parents 2030 Strategic Development Survey Question Title * 1. List three key features that you would like to see remain as part of KingsWay School (KWS) as we move towards 2030. e.g. positive relationships between staff and students. OK Question Title * 2. Recommend three areas that need to change at KWS as we move towards 2030. OK Question Title * 3. List three recommendations to the KWS facilities/resources that are needed as we move towards 2030 e.g. more sport facilities. OK Question Title * 4. List the top three obstacles concerning the future development of KWS as we move towards 2030 e.g. size of current Jelas Rd site. OK Question Title * 5. Identify three 'quick fixes' that KingsWay could adopt in the next few years to improve our delivery of our mission statement. OK DONE