Town of West Hartford Housing Assessment Survey

The Town of West Hartford is conducting a community survey to help inform and guide the preparation of an Affordable Housing Plan.  This effort seeks to further many of the goals and strategies outlined in the Plan of Conservation and Development, including encouraging a diversity of housing types and costs to provide access and availability of housing options to current and future residents and will help meet the requirements of the Connecticut General Statutes § 8-30j
This survey will help gather important information on demographics, community housing needs and preferences to guide future opportunities for housing choice and diversity. 
The survey should only take five minutes to complete and will be open through April 30th. 
Thank you for participating!
1.What comes to mind when you think of affordable housing? (Select all that apply)
2.Does West Hartford need additional affordable housing options?
3.If the Town were to encourage more affordable housing options, where do you think the best location(s) for those homes would be? (Select all that apply)
4.Do you think increasing housing options in West Hartford would (Select one):
5.In West Hartford, for whom do you think housing options are most needed? (Select top 3)(Required.)
6.When you think about the range of housing options available to current or future residents of West Hartford, do you think the Town: (Select all that apply)
7.In general, do you believe that towns like West Hartford have a responsibility to encourage housing for individuals and families who would very much like to live here, but cannot afford the high cost of housing?
8.Do you think that creating more affordable housing options to encourage residents from a wider range of income levels to reside in West Hartford would:
9.Similarly, do you think that creating more affordable housing options to encourage residents from a wider range of income levels to reside in West Hartford would:
10.Do you believe that adding more multifamily homes, such as rental apartments, condominiums, townhouses and other housing options would:
11.Do you believe that adding more multifamily homes, such as rental apartments, condominiums, townhouses and other housing options would:
12.Do you believe that adding more multifamily homes, such as rental apartments, condominiums, townhouses and other housing options would:
13.Do you believe that adding more multifamily homes, such as rental apartments, condominiums, townhouses and other housing options would:
14.Do you know of individuals or families who would like to live in West Hartford but cannot find an affordable housing option?
15.Do you know of individuals or families who have moved out of West Hartford because the housing options available were unaffordable?
16.Are you satisfied with your current living arrangements?
17.If not, please tell us why (Select all that apply)
18.What is your age?
19.How would you describe yourself? (Select all that apply)
20.Do you...? (Select all that apply)
21.Do you currently rent or own your residence?
22.If you would like to stay informed about the next steps regarding the Town’s efforts in creating an Affordable Housing Plan, please share your email. 
Current Progress,
0 of 22 answered