OKLaw Help Client User Interview |
Thanks for taking a few minutes let us know about your experience on our web site. Your feedback will help us ensure the web site continues to meet your needs.
Please let us know about the things that make the web site easy or hard to use, information that is useful or not and other things you think we should know to make the web site better.
There are 30 questions and it will take you about 10 minutes to complete the survey.
We cannot respond to requests for legal assistance through this web site. Please locate the Legal Aid office nearest you by visiting our web site http://www.legalaidok.org
Legal Aid Services of Oklahoma, Inc. is not providing assistance to you at this time and all deadlines associated with your legal matter are your responsibility.
Please let us know about the things that make the web site easy or hard to use, information that is useful or not and other things you think we should know to make the web site better.
There are 30 questions and it will take you about 10 minutes to complete the survey.
We cannot respond to requests for legal assistance through this web site. Please locate the Legal Aid office nearest you by visiting our web site http://www.legalaidok.org
Legal Aid Services of Oklahoma, Inc. is not providing assistance to you at this time and all deadlines associated with your legal matter are your responsibility.