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Can't Stop The Trot Participant Survey

For the last 14 years, Thanksgiving morning in Johnson City has been a very special place as thousands of trotters took to the street to run/walk the annual Johnson City UP & AT ‘EM Turkey Trot.  This year is our 15th Anniversary and we were planning a very special celebration.  Fast-forward to the world of the COVID 19 virus and the CDC directives to SOCIAL DISTANCE, WEAR A MASK AND WASH HANDS OFTEN.  Large group gatherings, like the Turkey Trot, create a risky environment for transmission of the virus.  So, this year we believe you “Can’t Stop the Trot” and we need you to help keep it alive.  But we have to do it differently and we need your "input"!

Please help us by answering this short survey:

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* 1. If, by November 2020, CDC and local guidelines allowed "unlimited" numbers to gather to run/walk the Turkey Trot would you:

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* 2. If, by November 2020, CDC and local guidelines allowed for "limited" numbers (wave starts with smaller groups) to gather to run/walk the Turkey Trot would you:

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* 3. If,by November 2020, CDC and local guidelines DO NOT allow group gatherings greater than 25-50 participants would you be interested in participating in a “virtual/host your own” 15thAnniversary “Can’t Stop the Trot” event.

(You can participate as an individual or organize small group events anytime during Thanksgiving week.  You can use your own or use one of the 5K Turkey Trot courses identified in neighborhoods, schools, parks and downtown sites.)

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* 4. To help support and ensure the continued success of the Turkey Trot and to honor the 15th anniversary would you consider purchasing an additional Turkey Trot “Kit” that guides you on how to set-up your own/family/friends/office/neighborhood Turkey Trot. 

(Registration fee will include a shirt, medal and/or mask.  The Race Kit will include race supplies and family activities.  The kits will be priced based on your number of participants.)

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* 5. To assist us in our planning, what commemorative items might you purchase? (Please check all that apply)

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* 6. I will be a registered participant (no matter how it is organized)

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* 7. On average, how many from your household will be participating?

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* 8. Many from our community have volunteered over the past 14 yrs.  Would you consider volunteering to assemble kits and shirt packages and help distribute at a modified packet pick-up prior to the Turkey Trot.

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* 9. Yes, I will volunteer. *Please provide us your email or phone number.

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* 10. Other comments or recommendations:

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