Which services currently provided by Somerset Council are most
important to you.
Please select 3 choices that apply.
Which of these services currently provided by Somerset Council are important to you? (Please select 3 that apply.)
Bus shelter cleaning and maintenance
Street Cleaning but can include highway channels and litter removal from verges within the Town Centre
Winter Service - filling grit bins
Roadside verges maintenance including grass cutting.
Hedge trimming
Non-illuminated sign cleaning and maintenance
Signage for new or changed speed limits.
Weed treatment.
Minor Highways functions such as footway and footpath repairs
Public toilets, (opposite Tesco's) provision, and opening hours
Provision and collection of litter bins and dog waste bins
Memorial Maintenance
Management and maintenance of open spaces assets e.g.: benches and signs
Grass cutting and open spaces maintenance by Somerset Council
Local play parks – Greenfylde and Blackdown View
Local town economic development
Additional support for libraries