CIU Faculty Survey Question Title * 1. How positive or negative are your interactions with other members of your department? Positive Somewhat Positive Neutral Somewhat Negative Negative Question Title * 2. How effective is the leadership of your department? Positive Somewhat Positive Neutral Somewhat Negative Negative Question Title * 3. How valued do feel your input and opinions are to department leaders? Extremely Valued Very Valued Moderately Valued Slightly Valued Not Valued At All Question Title * 4. How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the senior administration at [school/university]? Extremely Fair Slightly Fair Neither Fair nor Unfair Slightly Unfair Extremely Unfair Question Title * 5. How easy or difficult is it to obtain the resources that you need for teaching at [school/university]? Extremely Easy Slightly Easy Neither Easy nor Difficult Slightly Difficult Extremely Difficult Question Title * 6. How fairly are you compensated for your work at [school/university]? Extremely Fairly Very Fairly Moderately Fairly Slightly Fairly Not Fairly at All Question Title * 7. Overall, how satisfied or dissatisfied were you with [school/university] as a place to work? Extremely Satisfied Slightly Satisfied Neither Satisfied nor Dissatisfied Slightly Dissatisfied Extremely Dissatisfied Question Title * 8. How likely or unlikely are you stay at [school/university] for the next year? Extremely Likely Quite Likely Not Sure Quite Unlikely Extremely Unlikely Question Title * 9. How often do your Department meet with you regarding your performance? Twice a Week Once a Month 2-3 Times a Month Once a Year Seldom Not at All Question Title * 10. Please add any suggestions, comments, or feedback to improve a positive academic environment. Done