North Wales Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) Andy Dunbobbin was re-elected in May 2024. A very important part of his role is to create a plan for police to work to in order to fight crime across the region.

To be able to write this plan, he wants to ensure he is listening to local people about how they want to see North Wales policed and that he is addressing the concerns they have.

He is consulting with the people of North Wales in this survey to get their thoughts and responses.

The feedback will be incorporated into the plan and will help shape future services and the allocation of resources by police.

It is important that all sections of the population have the opportunity for their views to be represented and reflected in North Wales Police’s priorities. So have your say!

Paper copies and Easy Read versions of this survey are available in English and Welsh – please contact or 01492 805486 for further information.

This survey should take no longer than 5-10 minutes to complete.

Please submit your response by midnight 27 September 2024.
For each of the below questions, it is important to remember that the Police Service is dealing with ever increasing demand which is also becoming more complex. We need to assess what you, as a member of the public, consider to be the most important priorities to spend time and money on.

You should say on a scale of 1 to 5 how important each of the following is to you personally.

The scale runs - Not at all important; Slightly important; Important; Fairly important; Very important

Tick the relevant box.

Question Title

1. A local neighbourhood policing presence – how important is each of the following to you personally?

  Not at all important Slightly important Important Fairly important Very important I Don’t know
Ensuring neighbourhood policing is at the heart of North Wales Police’s priorities.
Working with local authorities to review the use of CCTV to combat crime.
Combatting crime in rural areas.
Tackling serious and organised crime.
Tackling e-bikes, e-scooters and offroad bikes.
Road safety (especially involving young drivers).

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2. Supporting victims, communities and businesses – how important is each of the following to you personally?

  Not at all important Slightly important Important Fairly important Very important I Don’t know
Creating a co-operative housing strategy to help people fleeing domestic abuse.
Tackling violence against women and girls.
Tackling and diverting young people away from anti-social behaviour.
Introducing anti-social behaviour champions for each local authority area.
Setting up a business and tourism forum to support businesses in North Wales.
Police attending every residential burglary.

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3. A fair and effective criminal justice system - how important is each of the following to you personally?

  Not at all important Slightly important Important Fairly important Very important I Don’t know
Embedding the Criminal Justice Board for Wales Anti-Racism Plan and engaging with vulnerable groups in society.
[Please note: The Anti-Racism plan is designed to remove unfair practices and unjust outcomes within the criminal justice system in Wales.]
Expanding the Victims’ Panel to specific crime types and hearing from victims about their experiences.
[Please note: The Victims’ Panel is an opportunity for victims and survivors to say what they think can be done better by the Police and criminal justice agencies.]
Exploring domestic violence perpetrator programmes to prevent domestic violence and abuse.
Commissioning research into gambling related harm and gambling disorder.

Question Title

4. A visible and responsible Police and Crime Commissioner - how important is each of the following to you personally?

  Not at all important Slightly important Important Fairly important Very important I Don’t know
Providing quarterly updates from the PCC to the public on issues that matter to them.
Police officers and staff upholding their Code of Ethics at all times.
Scrutinising Police performance and holding the Chief Constable to account.
Ensuring Police have sufficient resources to tackle crime and disorder and ensuring public funds are providing value for money.

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5. How could the Police make the most difference for you/your community?

Many thanks for sharing your thoughts
About you

Finally, a few questions about you, so that we can understand the views of the whole range of people.

All of these questions are entirely optional, so please feel free to ignore if you prefer not to answer.

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6. How would you describe your Gender?

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7. Do you identify as LGBTQ+?

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8. What age were you on your last birthday?

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9. How would you describe your level of spoken Welsh language ability?

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10. What is your ethnic group?

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11. Do you consider yourself to have a disability? The Disability Discrimination Act defines a person as having a disability if he or she ‘has a physical or mental impairment, which has a substantial and long-term adverse effect on his or her ability to carry out normal day to day activities’.

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12. Which county do you live in?

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13. How did you hear about this survey?