PCAOB Website Survey Question Title * 1. How often do you use the PCAOB website? Daily/more than once a day Several times a week At least once a month Every few months Once every six months or less OK Question Title * 2. When you use the PCAOB website, what kind of information are you generally looking for? Select all that apply. About the PCAOB Enforcement actions External audience pages (e.g., for investor or audit committee members) Information about audit firm registration status Information about standards Inspections reports International activities Job opportunities News releases, speeches, and PCAOB events Opportunities to comment PCAOB adopted rules Potential PCAOB rulemaking Research papers Reporting information for a registered firm Other (please specify) OK Question Title * 3. How often are you able to find the information you are looking for? Always / almost always Most of the time About half of the time Some of the time Never / almost never OK Question Title * 4. Are you able to find the information you are looking for quickly? Always / almost always Most of the time About half of the time Some of the time Never / almost never OK Question Title * 5. How do you find information on the PCAOB website? External search engine Home page content and links Navigation at the top of the website PCAOB website search bar Bookmarked specific pages Other (please specify) OK Question Title * 6. What are some challenges to finding information on our website? Select all that apply. Information is hard to read (e.g., font is too small) Information is in a format that I can’t access Information is missing Information is out of date Language on the website is hard to understand Navigation is unclear Search function does not work Website crashes Other (please specify) OK Question Title * 7. If you could make a change to the website, what would you change? Select all that apply. Add educational material Improve search tools Improve visual experience Provide audience specific information on PCAOB activities and auditing topics Use clearer language Other (please specify) OK Question Title * 8. What information on our website needs to be improved the most? Select all that apply. About the PCAOB Enforcement actions External audience pages (e.g., for investor or audit committee members) Information about audit firm registration status Information about standards Inspections reports International activities Job opportunities News releases, speeches, and PCAOB events Opportunities to comment PCAOB adopted rules Potential PCAOB rulemaking Reporting information for a registered firm Research papers Other (please specify) OK Question Title * 9. What do you like about the website? What would you keep? OK Question Title * 10. Thinking in general across all of your experiences with our website, please answer the following: Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree The PCAOB updates the website in a timely manner. The PCAOB updates the website in a timely manner. Strongly Disagree The PCAOB updates the website in a timely manner. Disagree The PCAOB updates the website in a timely manner. Neutral The PCAOB updates the website in a timely manner. Agree The PCAOB updates the website in a timely manner. Strongly Agree The language used on the website is clear. The language used on the website is clear. Strongly Disagree The language used on the website is clear. Disagree The language used on the website is clear. Neutral The language used on the website is clear. Agree The language used on the website is clear. Strongly Agree The website is engaging. The website is engaging. Strongly Disagree The website is engaging. Disagree The website is engaging. Neutral The website is engaging. Agree The website is engaging. Strongly Agree The content is easy to find. The content is easy to find. Strongly Disagree The content is easy to find. Disagree The content is easy to find. Neutral The content is easy to find. Agree The content is easy to find. Strongly Agree OK Question Title * 11. What best describes you? Academic/Researcher Accountant/Financial Statements Preparer Auditor Board Member/Audit Committee Member Investor Legal Professional Media/Journalist, Public Policy Professionals Other (please specify) OK Question Title * 12. Thank you for your participation today. Is there anything else you would like us to know? If so, please enter that information here: OK DONE