Charitable status for community sport
Consultation survey

Against a significant funding gap in the sporting sector, the ASF seeks to boost philanthropic giving. To help achieve this, the ASF proposes that ‘Community Sport’ be included as a charitable purpose under Section 12 of the Charities Act (C’th) 2013. ​

We're proposing a change that will allow donations from philanthropic trusts to support community clubs, and amateur athletes, unlocking over $103 million in philanthropic giving a year for the sector by 2030. Community sporting organisations and amateur athletes will continue to partner with the ASF to raise funds, with the ASF enabling tax deductibility and assisting in accessing funding from philanthropic donors.

This survey forms part of a broader consultation with clubs, athletes and the public taking place across 2024. The results from this survey will form a report back to the Australian Government in late 2024 with our findings and recommendations from talking with you. ​Your responses will be kept anonymous and handled in line with our privacy policy.

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