PBS North 2024 Viewer Survey Question Title * 1. Are you currently a member of PBS North? Yes No, but I would like to be Not interested in becoming a member If yes, or interested in becoming a member please provide your email address Question Title * 2. What age demographic do you fall within? Under 18 18-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65+ Question Title * 3. How would you describe your gender? Male Female Transgender Non-binary/con-conforming Prefer not to respond Question Title * 4. HOW WOULD YOU BEST DESCRIBE YOURSELF? (CHOOSE ALL THAT APPLY) American Indian or Alaska Native Asian or Asian American Black or African American Hispanic or Latino White Prefer not to respond Other (please specify) Question Title * 5. How do you watch content from PBS North? (Choose all that apply) Broadcasst TV Livestream Online Livestream on a mobile device PBS Passport on a Smart TV PBS Passport on a mobile device YouTube PBS.org pbsnorth.org Other (please specify) Question Title * 6. PBS North creates content that is relevant to me. Agree Neither agree nor disagree Disagree Question Title * 7. Which social media platforms do you use? Select all that apply. Facebook Instagram X(Twitter) YouTube LinkedIn Snapchat TikTok Pinterest Twitch None Other (please specify) Question Title * 8. How often do you watch Almanac North? Weekly Several times per month I don't watch the program I'm not familiar with the program Question Title * 9. If you watch Almanac North, what are your thoughts on the show? Question Title * 10. Do you watch Doctors on Call? Yes, each week during the season I watch infrequently I don't watch the program I'm not familiar with the program Question Title * 11. If you watch Doctors on Call, what are your thoughts on the show? Question Title * 12. Do you watch Native Report? Yes, each week during the season I watch infrequently I don't watch the program I'm not familiar with the program Question Title * 13. If you watch Native Report, what are your thoughts on the show? Question Title * 14. Do you watch Great Gardening? Yes, each week during the season I watch infrequently I don't watch the progam I'm not familiar with the program Question Title * 15. If you watch Great Gardening, what are your thoughts on the show? Question Title * 16. Do you watch Minnesota Historia? Yes, regularly during its season I watch infrequently I don’t watch the program I’m not familiar with the program Question Title * 17. If you watch Minnesota Historia, what are your thoughts on the show? And do you watch it online or on television? Question Title * 18. Do you have favorite PBS programs? If so, please list them and why. Question Title * 19. Did you attend our 60th Anniversary event(s)? Yes No If you did attend our event(s), let us know which event and please provide some feedback of what you enjoyed and what could have been different. Question Title * 20. If you attended any other PBS North events this past year, let us know which ones, and your thoughts on each. Question Title * 21. Do you listen to any programming from our sister station, The North 103.3FM? Yes No I'm not familiar with the station Done