Thank you for participating in the 2024 PBOT Plaza Survey! Please choose your language from the drop down menu above.

¡Gracias por participar en la Encuesta PBOT Plaza 2024! Elija su idioma en el menú desplegable de arriba.

Question Title

Public Records Disclosure Clause: The information you are providing on this form is available to the public through a public records request. Please do not include confidential or sensitive information.

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* 1. Did you visit a PBOT Public Street Plaza this year?

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* 2. If yes, which Plaza(s) (Check all that apply)

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* 3. About how often do you visit plazas within a month?

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* 4. How did you get there? Check all that apply.

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* 5. What brings you to Plazas? (Check all that apply)

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* 6. What other activities would you like to see in Public Street Plazas?

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* 7. How much do you agree with the following statement: plazas contribute to an area that felt safe and vibrant.

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* 8. How much community benefit do the plazas provide?

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* 9. Please feel free to elaborate on your thoughts:

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* 10. Do you use the public seating in plazas?

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* 11. How would you rate the maintenance of the plazas? Consider trash pickup, planter box maintenance, graffiti removal, and overall cleanliness.

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* 12. What improvements would you like to see in plazas? (If it regards a specific plaza, please specify)

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* 13. What questions or concerns do you have? (If it regards a specific plaza, please specify)

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* 14. What is your relationship to PBOT Plazas? (Check all that apply)

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* 15. Would you like to receive updates about PBOT’s Public Street Plazas and events through our monthly newsletter? If so, provide your email below.