New Hampshire Experienced or New Mentor Teacher Survey

Thank you in advance for your thoughtful input...

A premise and some operational definitions regarding what this survey is referring to as “Induction through Mentoring”.

The Purpose of Induction through Mentoring:

- Teacher and leader development occurs on a continuum that spans the entire career of an educator.

- Mentoring through Induction activities facilitate the pre-service to in-service transition for new educators and/or support teachers in new assignments (school site, grade level, curriculum).


Working Definitions:

- Induction is a system of coordinated and aligned supports designed to provide new educators with a supportive pathway into the profession.

- Mentoring is one-on-one support and feedback provided by an experienced veteran educator to a new educator to the profession or change in assignment.

- Coaching is a deeper one-on-one support strategy, usually in the planning and implementation of curriculum, pedagogical strategies and/or student assessment.
1.How many years have you been in teaching?
2.How many colleagues have you been the mentor (one-on-one teacher/ assigned mentee)?
3.Has your district defined the skills, knowledge and dispositions needed to be an effective educator? (e.g. Portrait of an Educator)?
4.How often are you required to attend Mentor training in your district?
5.Your district has an Induction through Mentoring Program for (select all that apply)
6.Is the Induction through Mentoring content the same in your district for all new professional hires regardless of experience?
7.Does your mentoring feedback become a component of the mentee’s evaluation? (Select all that apply)
8.Do you believe a support structure through an Induction through Mentoring program would (select all that apply)
9.To what degree are you familiar with the Council for Exceptional Children (CEC) High Leverage Practices (HLPs)…
10.For you, what would be the key components needed for an effective Induction through Mentoring Program?
11.What mentor selection criteria and processes are used currently in your school?
12.What is an area in which mentors could use more training and support?
13.What is your current SAU number? This helps us determine the landscape by regions.
Current Progress,
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