Consent Form

The purpose of this study is to examine counseling trainees’ comfort and competence regarding sexual behaviors with clients in CACREP-accredited or CACREP-Accreditation seeking counseling programs in the United States.  

 What you will be asked to do in the study: You will be asked to complete a 41-item online questionnaire which assesses your perceived comfort level with sexual behaviors of your clients, and your perceived competence to discuss sexuality related topics with clients in your future practice.  

Time required: It is expected that this survey will take approximately 10 minutes to complete.  

Benefits and Risks: Benefits include potential reflections and critical thinking of your comfort, competence, and current training in sexuality counseling. There is no more than minimal risk expected. You will have full control over your level of involvement in the online survey.  

Compensation: There is no compensation for participating in this research.  

Confidentiality: While your participation in the online survey does not guarantee confidentiality as a participant, the data we collect from your assessments will be kept confidential to the extent provided by law. Only the investigators on the research team will have access to the assessment results. The results will be maintained in a secure location until completion of the study. Your name will be deleted from the database and no personal identifying information will remain. Your name will not be used in any reports that result from this study.  

Voluntary participation: Your participation in this study is completely voluntary. There is no penalty for not participating. You have the right to withdraw from the study at any time without consequence.  

Privacy Policy and Security Notice: The survey will be conducted online through a dedicated web site. This site does not use encryption technologies; however, the data collected is retained in a password-protected file and accessed only by the researchers. 

Whom to contact if you have questions about the study:  

Principal Investigator: Ana Jaramillo de Graham, PhD 
Counselor Education 
Palm Beach Atlantic University 

This research project has received IRB approval from Palm Beach Atlantic University's IRB. Questions or problems regarding these activities should be addressed to Dr. David M. Compton, Chair of the Office of Academic Research or Dr. Stephen Johnson, Provost

Question Title

* I have read the above material and I agree to voluntarily participate in this activity. Any questions I asked have been answered to my satisfaction prior to my completing the survey.