Georgia Country Partnership Framework (CPF) Survey Phase 2: Unlocking Georgia’s Growth Potential Question Title * 1. Which sectors do you think have the greatest potential to contribute to the growth of Georgia's economy? (Choose up to 3 answers) Agriculture Apparel Tourism Financial Services and Banking Transport and Logistics Other (please specify) OK Question Title * 2. How competitive are Georgian citizens in today's world markets? Rate from 1 (Low) to 10 (High). 1 10 Clear i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale. OK Question Title * 3. What skills do Georgian citizens lack the most? (Choose up to 3 answers) Literacy Financial Literacy Business and Entrepreneurship Numeracy Communications Teamwork Problem Solving Creative Thinking Leadership Foreign Languages IT Digital Technical skills related to Science Technical skills related to Mathematics Technical skills related to Commerce Other (please specify) OK Question Title * 4. How innovative is Georgia? Rate from 1 (Low) to 10 (High). 1 10 Clear i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale. OK Question Title * 5. In what ways do you think Georgia is innovative? In the way it has developed strong relationships with other countries and unions In the strategies it uses to attract tourists in the strategies it has adopted to promote new businesses In its use of social media channels for official communication Other (please specify) OK DONE