Entry Form 2024

Welcome to the bid submission form for the 2024 PATROL Driving Improvement Awards, a new programme to inspire and fund local authority communications projects that effect positive change in the delivery of services or public engagement.

The Awards are your authority’s opportunity to help drive change, nationally. If successful, funding will be made available for your team to deliver a chosen communication campaign or activity in your local area, with winning bids also assessed on the scope and opportunity they include for the proposal to be replicated across the whole PATROL cohort.


This year's theme

This year, PATROL seeks proposals for communication campaigns or activities that address the theme of abuse experienced by civil enforcement officers and other enforcement staff. This issue reflects an intensity of negative public sentiment towards parking and traffic enforcement, generally.

PATROL encourages submissions that set out clearly how your authority's proposed communication campaign or activity addresses the annual theme above, with measurable outcomes. Your authority's proposal will undergo a review process focusing on feasibility, innovation, potential impact and replicability.

The deadline for submissions is 11:59pm on Tuesday 30 April.

For enquiries or assistance, please contact: PatrolAwards@patrol-uk.info.


Important: Please answer the questions over the following pages with regards suitability of the proposed campaign / activity in your community AND how it would be replicable across the wider PATROL authority cohort.

Please read: Terms and conditions
  • The proposed campaign / activity must comply with all applicable laws and regulations.
  • Submissions must be original and not previously implemented.
  • PATROL will capture your submission through the Survey Monkey platform, in order to inform the decision to grant funding. Any personal data will be handled in line with this software platform's policies.
  • Successful proposals will have access to an overall pot of £25,000, subject to submissions to access based on quotes / costings, etc.
  • The details of your proposal will be shared publicly, should your authority be shortlisted.
  • All decisions made by PATROL on funding are final.
  • Any conflicts of interest must be disclosed.
  • Your authority is making a submission to the awards on the understanding that the final campaign / activity and outcomes will be shared for any local authority or PATROL to replicate moving forward. For example, this may mean your own council’s branding / messaging is removed; however, your authority will be identified as being the one that ideated / spearheaded the project.
  • It is assumed that your authority will work closely with PATROL throughout the project implementation period. Further, it is accepted that some authorities may lack the in-house expertise to deliver a campaign. In such cases, these authorities can still enter a bid, making it clear in their submission that they would prefer PATROL to undertake the communications activity – forgoing their access to the funding, should their ideas be successful.
  • If successful, your authority should be available for a kick-off meeting with PATROL in August, with a further progress meeting in October, before delivering an impact report on the campaign / activity in January of the following year. An allocation of communications consultancy will be made available throughout this period.