Pateros Parks, Recreation, and Open Spaces Survey - 2024 Share YOUR thoughts! Pateros would like to hear from YOU about what our community needs and how to improve our parks, recreation, and open spaces. Please take the survey - YOUR feedback will help shape planning for years to come! Question Title Question Title * 1. Where do you reside Inside City limits Outside City limits Question Title * 2. If you reside outside City limits, how far Within walking distance [1/4 mile] Within cycling distance (1/4 mile to 5 miles) Driving distance Out of the area Question Title * 3. What is your zip code Question Title * 4. Please check your age group 5-9 10-14 15-19 20-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-59 60-74 75-84 85 + Question Title * 5. In the past 12 months, how many times have you visited the community parks and open spaces in Pateros Daily Weekly Monthly Rarely (less than 4 times a year) Never If you checked "never," please describe why you do not visit parks in Pateros Question Title * 6. What factors would encourage you to use the community parks and open spaces more frequently? More recreational activities Improved safety measures Better maintenance Enhanced facilities Other (please specify) Question Title * 7. Please rank the following parks/and or features in order of important to you and your family (rank 1-7 with 1 being the highest priority and 7 being the lowest priority) Question Title * 8. Please describe your favorite thing about each park Memorial Park Tennis court Ives Landing Methow boat launch Peninsula Park Riverfront trail Pateros mall Question Title * 9. Please describe what needs improvement at each park Memorial Park Tennis court Ives Landing Methow boat launch Peninsula Park Riverfront trail Pateros mall Question Title * 10. What amenities/activities would you and your family use in Pateros parks? Please check all that apply. Playgrounds Running/walking Picnic areas Motorized boating Non-motorized boating RV dump station Trails Splash pad Basketball courts River access Fishing Tennis Pickleball Swimming Relaxation Dog walking Education/museum Interpretive signage Other (please specify) Question Title * 11. What additional park and recreation amenities/activities would you like to see in Pateros RV park Gymnasium Softball fields Baseball fields Soccer fields Beach volleyball Improved outdoor basketball courts Community Center/hall Entertainment center Amphitheater Community art Community garden Benches Exercise classes Walking/running track Marina Overnight mooring Extended trails Playgrounds Camping Lighting Picnic shelter Dog park Pickleball court Bike park Skate park More land Education/museum Interpretive signage Teepee exhibit Other (please specify) Question Title * 12. Please rank your top 3 choices from question 10 1st 2nd 3rd Question Title * 13. How satisfied are you with the community parks and open spaces? Undecided Satisfied Unsatisfied Very Satisfied Question Title * 14. What are existing barriers to your use of Parks in Pateros Lack of facilities ADA accessibility Safety issues Poor connectivity Poor condition Unsure what parks are where Poor maintenance Other (please specify) Question Title * 15. Rate the importance of the following (1 is essential, 2 is very important, 3 is not important) 1 Essential 2 Very important 3 Not important Building new parks and facilities Building new parks and facilities 1 Essential Building new parks and facilities 2 Very important Building new parks and facilities 3 Not important Maintaining and improving existing parks, trails, and activities Maintaining and improving existing parks, trails, and activities 1 Essential Maintaining and improving existing parks, trails, and activities 2 Very important Maintaining and improving existing parks, trails, and activities 3 Not important Protecting open spaces and habitat Protecting open spaces and habitat 1 Essential Protecting open spaces and habitat 2 Very important Protecting open spaces and habitat 3 Not important Question Title * 16. Does Pateros need more RV facilities and amenities Yes No If yes, what kind Question Title * 17. Does Pateros need to extend its trails and sidewalks for recreation and pedestrian safety Yes No If yes, where would you like to see trail or sidewalk extensions or connections Question Title * 18. Do you feel visitors to Pateros provide economic benefits and it is important that the community is visitor friendly? Yes No Question Title * 19. Are there any facilities that the City should improve or provide to attract visitors and economic benefits? Yes No If yes, what could be improved and/or provided Question Title * 20. Does Pateros need more boating facilities? Yes No If yes, please describe Question Title * 21. What City celebrations and festivals have you attended (check all that apply) Arbor Day Salmon Bake Apple Pie Jamboree Movies in the Park Market Hydro Races Other (please specify) Question Title * 22. What improvements would you like to see at the City celebrations and festivals Question Title * 23. What do you like the most about City events? The least? Question Title * 24. Where do you access the water I do not access the water Ives Landing Memorial Park Methow boat launch Tennis Court Peninsula Park Other (please specify) Question Title * 25. How do you use the water Motorized boating Water skiing/tubing Jet ski Swimming Non-motorized kayak, canoe, paddleboard Rafting Other (please specify) Question Title * 26. Why do you access the water Fishing Bird watching Hunting Pleasure/leisure Exercise Other (please specify) Question Title * 27. Does the City need a skate park Yes No Question Title * 28. Is there anything else you would like to share with the City? Question Title * 29. Please check any item that describes your willingness to help support parks and facilities I am willing to volunteer with Pateros Beautification Club I would like to serve on a committee for parks and facilities I am not interested I am interested, please contact me at Please provide your contact information Question Title * 30. Would you like more information about Pateros Parks and Recreation planning? Yes No If yes, please provide your contact information.Mailing addressPhone numberEmail Thank YOU. Please stay tuned for upcoming community meetings about our Parks, Recreation, and Open Spaces planning. For questions, please contact: Kurt Danison, Contract Planner 509-322-4037, Done