Under the PASC Strategic Plan 2020, PASC’s strategic directions in capacity building should enable greater overall effectiveness of PASC’s capacity building and training initiatives to enable PASC members to be engaged in international standards development activities, with active participation in initiatives organised by the WTO TBT, international bodies such as ISO & IEC through their respective regional offices.
To achieve this desired outcome, Working Group 3 has prepared a questionnaire to assess PASC members’ capacity building needs and enable prioritisation of the initiatives by PASC and other regional bodies such as ISO & IEC regional offices. This also aims to help ISO and IEC tailor capacity building activities and programmes to the diverse circumstances and conditions that existing in different countries.
PASC members should consult their respective stakeholders to adequately respond to the questionnaire. To better understand the capacity gaps, the questionnaire seeks on input the current situation, desired future situation and stakeholders.