What is a Partner District?
Partner Districts are intimately involved with, and contribute to, the activities of the Center of Excellence to Prepare Teachers of Children of Poverty. Administrators, teachers, and stakeholders in Partner Districts work hand-in-glove with the Center to determine the activities and services that will best support educators in their important work in high poverty schools. Educators in Partner Districts have access to exclusive events and activities, and participate in most activities at no charge or at a reduced Partner District fee.

The South Carolina Legislature validated the mission and work of the Center by approving a proviso each year since 2010 that enabled the Center to expand beyond the Pee Dee region. Again this year, up to three additional Partner Districts will be added to the 32 active Partner Districts. Current Partner Districts should indicate their intention to renew by July 1, 2024 by submitting a fully executed Partner District Agreement form. New districts will be accepted in the order applications are received. A waiting list will be maintained, and, after August 1, 2024, any non-renewed Partner District memberships will be made available to wait-listed districts.

Find attached the document that outlines the benefits of joining. We know you will soon be deeply involved in preparations for the coming year, and we hope that your district will thoughtfully consider joining with the Center of Excellence to Prepare Teachers of Children of Poverty as a Partner District as a complement to the professional study resources you currently utilize. To do so, complete this electronic Partner District Agreement Form.

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* 1. School District Name

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* 2. Partner District Status

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* 3. Primary District Liaison
Each Partner District is represented by a designated district leader who will serve with the Center of Excellence in the capacity of Advisory Board Member. Advisory Board Members should hold at least a master’s degree and should have a minimum of five years of teaching experience. The Center recommends that Partner Districts name a key district-level leader that is empowered to represent the needs of the district on the Advisory Board. This representative also serves as the designated contact for the district with the Center and ensures that Partner District teachers and administrators are aware of all opportunities for involvement in Center activities. Advisory Board Members should be named by Partner District Superintendents and serve a twelve-month term beginning August 2024.

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* 4. Secondary Contact
The Secondary Contact is typically the District Superintendent or senior district leader who should also receive e-mail communications related to Partner District participation and who may be charged with final decision-making regarding Partner District activities. (optional):

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* 5. Additional Advisory Board Nominee (optional)  This district representative attends Partner District online meetings to learn about Center events and activities for Partners and to provide feedback that will be used to guide future offerings.  (The Advisory Board Nominee is typically the Primary District Liaison identified above, however a different or second person may be identified to also serve in this role.)

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* 6. District Communications
The most challenging task the Center faces is successful dissemination of information about Center resources to educators in each Partner District and beyond.  Typically we share information with the Partner District Liaison and ask that it be disseminated across the district.  Unfortunately, we frequently hear from teachers who tell us they 'wish they had known' about an event.
Do you have a communications officer, a director of professional learning, or other individual who might also help to publicize events for your teachers and leaders?  Or do you have a mass email address that we might use to communicate directly with your educators?
Please provide any instructions that will help us best communicate information about Center activities with your educators.

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* 7. Additional Information
Please provide any additional information or suggestions that will help us serve your district well. 

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* 8. Authorization
Please authorize this application.