Welcome to the Monroe County Parks and Trails Survey

We are looking for your input as we begin the process of updating the Monroe County Parks, Trails, and Recreation Master Plan. Your responses will help Monroe County plan for the future of your county parks, trails, and recreation facilities.

This survey asks for your opinion on a variety of questions. Please answer each question as you see fit. Your responses will remain anonymous. Paper surveys are available at the Monroe County Community Planning and Engagement Department located at 963 S. Raisinville Road, Monroe, MI .

Question Title

* 1. How often have you, or someone in your household, visited our County parks and facilities over the past year?

  Never Sometimes (1 - 10 times) Often (Over 10 times)
Heck Park
Waterloo Park
Vienna Park
West County Park
Nike Park
River Raisin Access, Ida-Maybee Rd
Territorial Park - Navarre-Anderson Trading Post, Raisinville & N Custer
St. Antoine's Cemetery, N Custer
Loranger Square, Downtown Monroe

Question Title

Park Map

Park Map

Question Title

* 2. How often have you, or a member of your household, used the following pathways or trails in the past year?

  Never Sometimes (1 - 10 times) Often (Over 10 times)
Elm Ave/N Custer Path
N Custer Bike Lanes
M-50 Paved Shoulders/Bike Lanes
N Dixie/Detroit Ave Bike Lanes
Munson Park Limestone Paths
Elm Street Sidewalks
Downtown Riverwalk
Sterling State Park Trails
Walking Trails at Waterloo, Heck, West County, or Vienna Parks
Any Sidewalks for walking or running
Any Roadways for Bicycling

Question Title

* 3. How often have you, or a member of your household, visited our National or State Parks/Game Areas in the past year?

  Never Sometimes (1 - 10 times) Often (Over 10 times)
River Raisin National Battlefield Park
Sterling State Park
Detroit River International Wildlife Refuge
Pointe Mouillee State Game Area
Erie State Game Area
Petersburg State Game Area
Crystal Waters State Game Area

Question Title

* 4. Which type of facilities or parks would you be most likely to visit? Please indicate your preferences on a scale of 1 to 3, where 1 represents your least likely choice and 3 your most likely choice.

  1 - Least likely to visit 2 - Likely to visit 3 - Most likely to visit
Parks with athletic fields and courts
Nature preserves with natural areas and nature/hiking trails
Neighborhood parks with playgrounds and benches
Bicycle/walking/running paths or trails
Indoor fitness center with gymnasium and fitness classrooms
Your suggestion

Question Title

* 5. What park facilities or activities are important to provide for the community? Please rate each of the following on a scale of 1 to 5, where 1 indicates "not important at all" and 5 indicates "extremely important."

  1 - Not important at all 2 - Slightly important 3 - Somewhat important 4 - Very important 5 - Extremely important
Sidewalks/Pathways for Walking
Bike Lanes for Bicycling
Multi-Use Pathways for Walking & Bicycling, Separate from the Roadway
Nature Trails
Playground Structures
Picnic Areas and Pavilions
Ball Fields (Soccer, Baseball, Softball, etc.)
Sport Courts (Tennis, Pickleball, Basketball, Volleyball, etc.)
Skate boarding  and/or BMX Bike Facilities
Cross Country Skiing Trails
Your suggestion

Question Title

* 6. Please mark each of the suggested improvements on a scale of 1 to 5, where 1 represents "least priority" and 5 represents "top priority."

  1 - Least priority 2 - Low priority 3 - Medium priority 4 - High priority 5 - Top priority
Maintain/renovate existing county parks
Develop new active amenities at existing parks (e.g., sports fields, water parks)
Develop new passive amenities at existing parks (e.g., nature trails, wildlife/nature viewing)
Develop a County-wide trail and bicycle route system
Develop/improve more access to the River for canoeing/kayaking and fishing
Acquire/preserve open space and natural areas
Acquire land for future park development
Your suggestion

Question Title

* 7. What pathways or trails would you like to see developed in the community?

Question Title

* 8. While not being considered at this time, would you support a future millage for the operation, maintenance, and development of County parks and trails?

Question Title

* 9. Do you have any other thoughts or suggestions regarding parks and trails that you would like us to consider?

Question Title

* 10. How old are you?

Question Title

* 11. How many children under 18 live in your household?

Question Title

* 12. In what zip code area do you live?