Purpose of the consultation

Derbyshire Dales District Council is carrying out a review of its car parks. The review will be split into three phases.

Phase One
  • Consider differential charging
  • Consider introducing a 30 minute charging policy
  • Review the resident concession permit offer
  • Review the parking offer for businesses
  • Improve the look and appearance of our car parks
  • Look to increase the number of electric charge points aimed at residents across the District
Phase Two
  • Consider motorhome provision
  • Review the free parking policy on some car parks (this was considered in Phase one)
  • Review the number of disabled bays
  • Work with Derbyshire County Council to increase the number of rapid electric charge points across the District
Phase Three
  • Consider expanding our car parks in areas with high visitor numbers
  • Identify under-utilised car parks which can be better used to meet the Council’s objectives, such as land for housing
In Spring 2023 the District Council conducted a resident survey on the free resident concession permit and whether any changes could be considered. Using the feedback from this survey the hours of the free resident concession permit have been extended from free after 4pm to free after 3pm and before 11am.

We are now seeking your views on other aspects of our parking policy/provision to help influence possible changes to the way our council car parks are managed.

You can complete this survey more than once to cover the fact that you may be a local resident AND business owner/worker and may have different responses to some questions depending on your status. You can find all the council car parks listed on our website.

Question Title

* 1. Your name

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* 2. Your postcode

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* 3. Are you completing this survey as a:

Question Title

* 4. We have 31 pay & display car parks and 5 car parks which are free at the point of use. The options at present are that a car park is either chargeable or not - but nothing in between.

Do you support the idea of our car parks being categorised by location and different charging schedules being applied to different categories (e.g. town centre category to be charged an hourly rate while others are charged a relatively low flat rate for long stay parking options)?

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* 5. We have some underused car parks, including Ashbourne Cattle Market, Hartington Parsons Field and Eyam Hawkhill Road.

Do you support the idea of having a lower tariff in currently underused car parks to make better use of the parking place?

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* 6. Some car parks are free at the point of use such as Ashbourne Cokayne Avenue, Wirksworth Canterbury Road and Cromford Market Place. However, it still costs the council to maintain and manage these "free" car parks, which means they are being subsidised by other car parks where charges do apply.

Do you support the idea of introducing a small charge in car parks which are currently free?

Question Title

* 7. Derbyshire Dales is a popular tourist destination where the demand for car parking fluctuates at certain times of the year. In particular, the demand in Matlock Bath during the peak season (April-October) far exceeds the parking capacity. Yet the car parks are heavily underused for the remainder of the year.

Do you support the idea of charging visitors more to park in Matlock Bath during the high season, but reduce the fee during the low season to encourage visitors all year round? (This would not impact use of the free resident concession permit).

Question Title

* 8. We offer a discount season ticket for those parking regularly, which can be purchased monthly using the PaybyPhone service.

If you are a local worker or business owner, did you know we offer a monthly Discount Season Ticket?

Question Title

* 9. In our car parks you can pay for parking by cash at the machine or by using our PaybyPhone service. There is also a telephone number you can call to register your vehicle and payment details.

Have you used the PaybyPhone service?

Question Title

* 10. If not, what are the reasons?

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* 11. Did you know that you do not need a smart phone to use this service as there is a telephone number that you can call?

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* 12. We are considering providing a 30 minute period of free parking at some car parks in town centres and other areas which have amenities close by. This would be a stand-alone 30 minute period and would not be able to be tagged on to an extended parking period.

So you could park, nip to the shops and return within 30 minutes for free and then leave the car park. It doesn't mean if you were intending to stay for an hour that you would get the first 30 minutes free.

Do you support the idea of 30 minutes free parking to enable people (specifically residents) to access essential services during times which fall outside the free concession permit?

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* 13. Do you feel that there is adequate disabled parking provision?

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* 14. If no, which car park(s) do you feel needs additional provision?

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* 15. Do you feel that there is adequate motorhome parking provision?

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* 16. If no, which car park(s) do you feel needs additional provision?

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* 17. Do you feel that there is adequate parking provision for bicycles?

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* 18. If no, which car park(s) do you feel needs additional provision?

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* 19. Currently electric vehicle owners need to pay for parking and charging their vehicle. Do you feel this is a barrier to you considering changing to an electric vehicle?

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* 20. Do you feel there are car parks where there isn't enough space and you struggle to park?

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* 21. If yes, which car park(s) do you feel could benefit from additional spaces?

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* 22. Are there any car parks you feel are underused and could be considered for another purpose, such as housing?

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* 23. If yes, which car park(s) do you feel needs additional provision?

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* 24. Do you support us exploring what sustainable options could be available for some car parks, such as solar panel roofs?

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* 25. Do you have any other comments or anything you would like to add that isn’t covered in the questions above? Please do not include any personal information or any information that may identify you or another individual.

Derbyshire Dales District Council takes your privacy seriously. We will treat all personal information provided in confidence and store it securely in accordance with the Data Protection Act 2018 and General Data Protection Regulations.

For more information on how we process your personal data and your rights as a data subject, visit: www.derbyshiredales.gov.uk/privacy

Question Title

* 26. We will be asking for your name and post code to help us understand where the responses are coming from and this information will be retained for the life of the project and deleted when completed.

Data/information gathered from the surveys will be processed by officers of this Council and then will only be viewed by elected members, employees of the District Council who work in the Neighbourhoods Team.

Please tick the box below to confirm that you consent for the information you provide to be used in this manner.

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100% of survey complete.