PA Intelligence, which is powered by our quarterly asset class research, is about as close to a crystal ball as we can get in this business! We are always trying to stay one step ahead, as we know you are, so we produce a report each quarter detailing upcoming trends in asset allocation based on peer sentiment data from all over the globe.

We invite you to share your thoughts on where you plan on investing across the next 3 months using the below questionnaire. Results remain entirely anonymous and each respondent will not only receive a copy of the report but will be entered into a draw to win one of three £100 John Lewis vouchers or a £100 donation to a charity of their choice.

Question Title

* All data will be kept strictly anonymous and confidential.
We will never pass on your details to anyone else.
We only ask for your name and email so that we can share the results with you.

Please read our privacy policy. This will explain how we process, use & safeguard your data. To manage your email preferences please click here

Question Title

* I am a

Question Title

* What is your broad economic outlook?

Question Title

* Over the next 12 months what do you expect to do regarding your weighting in these asset classes?


  Increase ↑ Maintain ↔ Decrease ↓ Not use Ø
UK equity
UK equity income
US equity
Europe ex UK equity
Japan equity
GEM equity
Asia ex Japan equity
Global equity
Global equity income

Question Title

* Bonds

  Increase ↑ Maintain ↔ Decrease ↓ Not use Ø
UK corp bonds
UK govt bonds
Int'l dev mkt corp bonds
Int'l dev mkt govt bonds
EM corp bonds
EM govt bonds
High yield bonds
Strategic / unconstrained bonds
Convertible bonds

Question Title

* Absolute return / hedge

  Increase ↑ Maintain ↔ Decrease ↓ Not use Ø
Absolute return
Hedge: long/short equity
Hedge: long/short debt
Hedge: global macro
Hedge: multi-strategy

Question Title

* Other asset classes and strategies

  Increase ↑ Maintain ↔ Decrease ↓ Not use Ø
Commodities ex-gold
Index-tracking products
Multi-asset funds
Private equity
Private debt
Infrastructure funds
Cash / money market funds
Private markets