Quick Questionnaire for PEN Parent Ambassadors

Parent ambassadors ("PA"s) help new families connect with schools, share PEN updates with other parents, and keep PEN informed about issues of interest or concern to their school communities. The time commitment is minimal in most cases! Your answers to these questions will help us make sure our ambassador network represents all parts of the PUSD community, and will help us make the best use of our valued volunteers.

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* 1. This first question is only for folks who were PEN Parent Ambassadors last year! About how many hours did you spend on PEN-related volunteer work this past school year? (Include time talking with parents, attending PA meet-ups, helping with tours or participating in PEN programs/events, etc. A rough estimate/best guess is fine!)

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* 2. Can you be a PEN Parent Ambassador this school year?

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* 3. Great! Please provide Susan with your current information, for PEN's internal use.

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* 4. How would you like prospective families to contact you about your school? (You can check more than one box.)

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* 5. Can you help with school tours? (Unknown at this point whether tours will be in-person or virtual - will depend on the situation & the principal!)

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* 6. Would you be willing to represent your school at a PEN event (informal meet and greet) or as part of a parent panel? Check all that apply. Fall program dates TBD. (We're hoping to be back to in-person events in the fall, but obviously not counting on that.)

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* 7. PEN members continue to look to PEN for news and information about the district even after they've chosen a school for their child. But many current PUSD parents don't know about PEN. Can you commit to opening PEN News regularly and sharing any relevant information with members of your school community?

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* 8. Monthly Parent Ambassador meet-ups have been a great way for PEN staff to hear what you and families at your school are thinking about; they also give PAs a chance to connect and share ideas with each other. Please indicate which of the following days/times you would most likely be able to join a monthly meet-up.

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* 9. PEN is intentionally growing our Parent Ambassador network to ensure that it reflects more fully the diversity of families that make up our district. Please check as many of the following as you feel are applicable to you or your student. This information is for our internal use only, and will be held in confidence.

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* 10. How do you describe your racial or ethnic identity?

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* 11. If you speak one or more languages other than English, please let us know!