RSU 57 Strategic Planning Community & Staff Survey

Community/Staff Survey

The feedback received through this survey will help shape the formation of a new Strategic Plan focused on the future of schooling in RSU 57.  Thank you for taking the time to complete this important survey.
1.Please check any of the following that apply to you.  
2.What do you feel most proud of when you think about Massabesic Schools?  (Select three)
3.What do you think are the top three challenges facing students today? These may be community, family and/or socio-economic issues that are not necessarily the responsibility of the school district (select three).
4.How important is it for Massabesic’s public schools to focus on each of the following for our students? (5-high priority, 1 - low priority)
Low Priority (1)
Moderate Priority
High Priority (5)
Providing highly qualified staff/teachers
Implementing rigorous, challenging programs
Ensuring meaningful social-emotional learning
Producing high standardized test scores
Achieving high college admission and matriculation rates
Ensuring equitable access to programming for all students
Implementing curriculum that prepares students for the workplace
Providing safe, engaging and healthy extracurricular programs
Offering extensive Career and Technical Education (CTE)
Providing alternative learning programs
Ensuring a safe and orderly learning environment
Hiring and maintaining a staff that is diverse in characteristics and experiences
Ensuring diverse voices and perspective are represented in the curriculum
Developing students who are good citizens
5.What do you think are the top three challenges faced by Massabesic Schools? (Select three)
6.How important would you rate the need to add the following programs to our district offerings? (5-high priority, 1 - low priority)
Low Priority (1)
Moderate Priority
High Priority (5)
Elementary world languages
Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) at elementary level
Alternative pathways to graduation
Career education
Business education
Experiential learning
7.How important would you rate the need to improve or expand the following programs in the Massabesic Schools? (5-high priority, 1 - low priority)
Low Priority (1)
Moderate Priority
High Priority (5)
Engineering and Maker programming
Computer science
Career and Technical (Vocational) Education
Language Arts
Social Studies
Visual Arts
Performing Arts
Health, Wellness and Physical Education
World Languages
Library-Media programming
School counseling
Social work services
Instructional support
Extra-curricular programs