Top 10 questions coaches want to ask parents.

A 5-minute survey to improve parent/coach expectations

When club coaches are selecting players, they also know they will be working with parents as well.   Many coaches have questions they'd like to ask but are often not comfortable doing so. 
This survey is intended to give parents a private, honest way to give coaches their straight-forward answers to the questions most coaches want to ask. 
All surveys are anonymous and we will not be aggregating by any individual responses.   There are not right or wrong answers, we just ask that you answer them as honestly as possible.   
Thanks in advance for your input and commitment to youth sports. 
1.Of the following goals and outcomes for this season, which do you find most important?  (pick only one).
2.Rank your son/daughter from 1 to 10 on their athletic skill and sports talent.
Below average
Above Average
Very Good
Rating of Your Child's Athletic Skill & Sports Talent
3.Rank your son/daughter from 1 to 10 on their character and sportsmanship.
Below Average
Above Average
Very Good
Rating of your Child's character and sportsmanship.
4.If our coaching staff benches your child during the season because they refuse to work hard, hustle or do what the coaches are asking them to do, how long should they be benched? (Choose one)
5.If a coach overhears your son or daughter speak disrespectfully to you or another adult/parent away from the field but still in uniform, how would you want the coach to handle it?
6.If you and your son arrive late for a practice, no matter the circumstances, the coach should: (pick option you think is most appropriate).
7.I believe my son or daughter should be excused from practices and games without punishment or any future benching if the family is on a planned vacation during the season?
8.Outside of our team organized practice times, my son or daughter practices skill development or conditioning (lifting, running, agility drills, etc.) on their own at home or the gym an average of:
9.What percentage of your child’s athletic skill development and talent improvement do you expect to receive from your son/daughter’s team coaches and club practices? (Check one) 
10.I expect my investment in my son or daughter’s youth sports to deliver the following results by their senior year of high school: (check all that apply)
Current Progress,
0 of 10 answered