Thank you for your interest in WEB WOC!  Unfortunately, the WOCN® Accreditation Committee has communicated we can no longer provide the Virtual Clinical Practicum (VCP) option starting January 1st, 2023 since the COVID-19 pandemic is no longer an issue.

Below are 3 short questions.  We value your comments and utilize them in our quality improvements as we try to find innovative ways to facilitate Wound, Ostomy, Continence (WOC) education for future WOC nurses!

Question Title

* 1. The changes to the Virtual Clinical Practicum (VCP) option have:

Question Title

* 2. If you are able to do the Traditional Clinical Practicum with a preceptor in a facility, but you would prefer to do the Virtual Clinical Practicum through WEB WOC, please explain why.

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* 3. If you are unable to attend WEB WOC due to the changes in the VCP by the WOCN but would like WEB WOC to contact you if the Virtual Clinical Practicum becomes an option again, please fill out your name and e-mail address below.