You pick the place!

Thanks for taking our survey! We want to know what you think and as we plan to gather women together on a regular basis, we want to be sure we are meeting your needs. So, let's go!

Question Title

* 1. Would you be interested in attending a bi-monthly or quarterly CW: Gathering?

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* 2. If not, please let us know the reason why

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* 3. What day works best for you?

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* 4. What area of Austin is most convenient of you?

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* 5. What time of day works best for you?

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* 6. Based on who we are & the CW 6 core principles, which values resonate with you the most?

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* 7. Your age demographic is?

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* 8. What types of activities/events would you participate in if they were available through Created Woman

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* 9. Are you interested in being in a CW: Gathering focus group to further this discussion? If yes, fill out contact information below as well.

Question Title

* 10. Address