IOD Convention
What topics would you like to see explored at future Annual Conventions?
Are there are any particular speakers you would like to hear present?
What style of presentations are you most interested in?
Keynote speaker only
Short TEDx style talks with a number of speakers
Panel debate only
Keynote speaker and panel debate
Keynote speaker and a series of short TEDx style talks
Other (please specify)
What is the most important part of attending the Annual Convention for you?
Opportunity to learn more about the chosen theme for the Convention
Opportunity to host clients
Wider networking opportunities
Other (please specify)
What is the ideal format for the Annual Convention (i.e. length of time/speaking format/food & drinks format/venue etc)?
The IoD Committee has started to develop a couple of potential formats. Which one of the below would be your preference?
Beau Sejour: drinks reception; move to main theatre for keynote speaker or a number of TEDx style speakers; move to Dave Ferguson Hall for networking, drinks and a seated meal
Beau Sejour: drinks reception; move to main theatre for keynote speaker or a number of TEDx style speakers; move to Dave Ferguson Hall for networking, drinks and standing bowl food/canapes to allow for more networking
St James: drinks reception and keynote speaker in Whittaker Hall; three breakout sessions across the venue; return to Whittaker Hall for networking, drinks and food. This venue would limit numbers.
Keep the format the same with a seated dinner but review the traditional keynote and panel debate format
Other (please specify)
Do you have any other feedback on the Annual Convention?