Help us set the 2025 Budget for the Township!

The Township of Alnwick/Haldimand is asking for resident input on the current and future funding of services and programs. This community input will be reviewed by staff and Council during the development of the 2025 Budget to help prioritize spending and projects for the upcoming year.

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* 1. How did you hear about this survey?

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* 2. Please select your age group:

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* 3. How many years have you lived in the Township?

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* 4. If you are a resident, which Hamlet is closest to your home?

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* 5. Are you familiar with the Township's budget or the process of creating a budget?

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* 6. Are you familiar with the services the Township provides?

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* 7. Overall, how would you rate the value received from your taxes?

1 1 being least amount of value, 10 being high amount of value 10
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

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* 8. Please expand on your rating of value (optional).

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* 9. In your own opinion, please rank the following from most to least important in terms of funding (1 being most important and 10 being least important)

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* 10. Type here any other services that are of value to you that are not on this list (optional).

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This is a graph breakdown of the budget by department. Use it to help you answer the rest of this survey.

This is a graph breakdown of the budget by department. Use it to help you answer the rest of this survey.

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* 11. In your opinion, please rate the following Township services based on their value for dollar. Do you feel you receive Excellent/Bad service based on the service area expenditures identified in the bar graph above? (Dollar values provided are approximate).

  Excellent Good Fair Poor Bad
Governance & Administration (Council and advisory committees, strategic planning, communications & community engagement, financial management, legal, insurance, accessibility, etc.) ($1 million)
Fire & Emergency Services ($1.1 million)
By-Law (Special Occasion Permits, Short-term Accommodation Licensing, By-law Enforcement, etc.) ($20,000)
Protective Services (Policing) ($1 million)
Public Works (winter maintenance, roads & bridges, etc.) ($3.5 million)
Environment/Conservation ($200,000)
Library (Programming, collection development, rent, etc.) ($280,000)
Parks, Recreation & Culture (Arena and Ball Diamond operations, grass cutting & community gardening, beach & boat launch maintenance, recreational programs and activities, heritage etc.) ($650,000)
Cemeteries ($12,000)
Planning (Zoning By-Laws, Official Plans, severances, minor variance applications, etc.)($195,000)

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* 12. Please let us know if you think the funding should be increased, maintained, or decreased for the following Township services (dollar values provided are approximate).

  Increased Maintained Decreased
Governance & Administration (Council and advisory committees, strategic planning, communications & community engagement, financial management, legal, insurance, accessibility, etc.) ($1 million)
Fire & Emergency Services ($1.1 million)
By-Law (Special Occasion Permits, Short-term Accommodation Licensing, By-law Enforcement, etc.) ($20,000)
Protective Services (Policing) ($1 million)
Public Works (winter maintenance, roads & bridges, etc.) ($3.5 million)
Environment/Conservation ($200,000)
Library (Programming, collection development, rent, etc.) ($280,000)
Parks, Recreation & Culture (Arena and Ball Diamond operations, grass cutting & community gardening, beach & boat launch maintenance, recreational programs and activities, heritage etc.) ($650,000)
Cemeteries ($12,000)
Planning (Zoning By-Laws, Official Plans, severances, minor variance applications, etc.)($195,000)

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* 13. If given the opportunity, would you be interested in paying an extra $100 to better fund what you would like to see done in the community?

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* 14. If you answered you are interested, what would you like to see these funds go towards?

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* 15. One part of the budget process is balancing the budget. Please rank the following from most to least favorable methods for balancing the 2025 Budget.

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* 16. Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey, we appreciate your feedback. If you have any general comments, an idea, or project that you would like to share with us, please let us know in the space below.