The purpose of our school data reports is to give parents frequent updates on their child's progress towards nationally set targets.  The targets allow both the parent and child to be aware of the grade achieved by a similar child, in a similar school who ended KS2 with similar grades. The teacher prediction is our best estimate of attainment by the end of the Key Stage.  

We colour code to indicate if the child is above target (green), on target (amber) or below target (red).  This should then prompt a conversation at home.  Student Council have raised a concern that by using red as the 'below target' colour the conversations at home become very emotive due  to the connotations attached with the colour. Also as amber is used for 'on target' it gives the message that attaining our ambitious targets is not quite good enough. Thus a series of alternative colour schemes have been proposed to replace the existing colours.  Which do you prefer?  Please review the 3 schemes below then put your preferences in rank order. We shall report back on the results in the next Post. We had a consensus from the Student Council - will the parent body agree?

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* 1. Please rank order the 3 colour schemes you can see below. Please press 'DONE' at the bottom of the page when you finish. 

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