Share your thoughts with us for a chance to win!

If you haven't listened to the complete series yet, you can do so at
Episode 5, the 2018 finale, comes out Friday, November 30.

Loved the podcast? Hated it? Tell us why! Help us refine the podcast to the community’s needs. Your thoughts are important to us, so help us further the series by taking our feedback survey. Respondents will be entered to win one of three Citizens of Craft t-shirts!

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* 1. Please choose one of the following as your primary identification:

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* 2. How did you hear about Citizens of Craft: The Podcast?

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* 4. How much did you enjoy this series overall? 

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* 5. Which episode thus far has been your favourite, and why?

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* 6. Which guests did you connect with the most and why?

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* 7. What did you think about the format of the podcast?

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* 8. What did you think of the following segments of the podcast?

  Liked Disliked Neutral
Intro (Beginning)
Discussion between host & guests
Lightning Round
Outro (Ending)

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* 9. Do you think the podcast episodes should be structured differently? We are considering the format for future episodes to include other segments.

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* 10. Do you have any comments about/suggestions for the host?

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* 11. Each episode was approximately 45 minutes long. Is there another length you would prefer?

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* 12. How did you find the overall sound quality?

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* 13. What was your favourite aspect of the series?

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* 14. Do you have any other comments or suggestions?

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* 15. Citizens of Craft: The Podcast will continue in 2019. Would you like to subscribe to the Canadian Crafts Federation’s e-newsletter to receive reminders and updates on future episode releases? (Your contact information will not be used in any other way)

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* 16. May we quote your responses from this survey for future podcast promotions?

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* 17. To enter the Citizens of Craft t-shirt giveaway contest, please leave your name and email address below so that we can contact you if you are a winner (this information will not be used in any other way without your permission).