P6 Assessment |
Overview of P6 Assessment
Please note we are in the process of building the P6 directly on our website to include an automatic summary of results. This will be completed by January 2017. Currently you will view the survey within the Surveymonkey application.
For now, feel free to contact us directly to schedule a strategy session to review your full results.
For now, feel free to contact us directly to schedule a strategy session to review your full results.
The purpose of the P6 Assessment is to help leaders identify the extent to which their perception of their business is reality. The P6 Assessment identifies the gaps between current and desired states in the areas of People, Processes, Practices, Productivity, Promotions and Profit.
Based on the results of the assessment, and in collaboration with Organizational Rebels' team of trusted advisors, a course of action is charted to give clients the greatest value, using their resources most efficiently.
Please begin the assessment by providing some background about your organization and then rate the organization’s current and desired effectiveness levels for items related to the P6 areas of success.
Current ratings should be based on the effectiveness of organization as of today. Desired (target) ratings should be based on the level of effectiveness the organization would like to reach in six months from now. The effectiveness scale ranges from 1 to 5, with 1 meaning that the organization is not at all effective for that item and 5 meaning that the organization’s performance for that item is extremely effective.
Please do not hesitate to discuss items with key stakeholders from your organization who are knowledgeable about the organization’s efforts. Do your best to determine the current and desired effectiveness ratings for each item based on your discussions. However, if you still do not have enough information to rate a particular item for the current and/or desired effectiveness level, then please mark “not sure” for the related item to indicate this. If the item does not apply to your organization, then please mark “N/A” to indicate that the item is not applicable.
Current ratings should be based on the effectiveness of organization as of today. Desired (target) ratings should be based on the level of effectiveness the organization would like to reach in six months from now. The effectiveness scale ranges from 1 to 5, with 1 meaning that the organization is not at all effective for that item and 5 meaning that the organization’s performance for that item is extremely effective.
Please do not hesitate to discuss items with key stakeholders from your organization who are knowledgeable about the organization’s efforts. Do your best to determine the current and desired effectiveness ratings for each item based on your discussions. However, if you still do not have enough information to rate a particular item for the current and/or desired effectiveness level, then please mark “not sure” for the related item to indicate this. If the item does not apply to your organization, then please mark “N/A” to indicate that the item is not applicable.
Please set aside 30-45 minutes to thoughtfully complete the assessment.