GENESIS ASSESSMENT SATISFACTION SURVEY Question Title * 1. Overall, how satisfied or dissatisfied were you with your last visit to Genesis Programs Inc? Very satisfied Somewhat satisfied Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied Somewhat dissatisfied Very dissatisfied If dissatisfied, please provide additional feedback to help us imrove our services. Question Title * 2. How easy or difficult was it to schedule an appointment at a time that was convenient for you? Very easy Somewhat easy Neither easy nor difficult Somewhat difficult Very difficult Question Title * 3. Did your appointment with the assigned Clinician start early, late or on time? Very early Early On time Late Very late Question Title * 4. In your opinion, how convenient is the location of our Facility? Extremely convenient Very convenient Somewhat convenient Not so convenient Not at all convenient Question Title * 5. How comfortable was the lobby and waiting area? Extremely comfortable Very comfortable Somewhat comfortable Not so comfortable Not at all comfortable Question Title * 6. Please indicate your level of satisfaction with the following items related to the Receptionist. Very satisfied Satisfied Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied Dissatisfied Very Dissatisfied Welcoming Welcoming Very satisfied Welcoming Satisfied Welcoming Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied Welcoming Dissatisfied Welcoming Very Dissatisfied Professionalism Professionalism Very satisfied Professionalism Satisfied Professionalism Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied Professionalism Dissatisfied Professionalism Very Dissatisfied Attentiveness Attentiveness Very satisfied Attentiveness Satisfied Attentiveness Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied Attentiveness Dissatisfied Attentiveness Very Dissatisfied Friendliness and Courtesy Friendliness and Courtesy Very satisfied Friendliness and Courtesy Satisfied Friendliness and Courtesy Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied Friendliness and Courtesy Dissatisfied Friendliness and Courtesy Very Dissatisfied Overall Customer Service Experience Overall Customer Service Experience Very satisfied Overall Customer Service Experience Satisfied Overall Customer Service Experience Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied Overall Customer Service Experience Dissatisfied Overall Customer Service Experience Very Dissatisfied Question Title * 7. How well did the Clinician listen to your needs? Extremely Well Very Well Somewhat Well Not so Well Not at all Well Question Title * 8. How responsive was the Clinician when answering your questions? Extremely responsive Very responsive Somewhat responsive Not so responsive Not at all responsive Question Title * 9. How clear did the Clinician explain your treatment options? Extremely clearly Very clearly Somewhat clearly Not so clearly Not at all clearly Question Title * 10. How much do you trust the recommendations of the Clinician? A great deal of trust A lot of trust A moderate amount of trust A little trust Not any trust at all Question Title * 11. How satisfied or dissatisfied were you with the amount of time the Clinician spent with you addressing your needs? Very satisfied Somewhat satisfied Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied Somewhat dissatisfied Very dissatisfied If dissatisfied, please help us improve our services by providing additional feedback: Question Title * 12. Overall, how would you rate the care you received from the Clinician? Excellent Very good Good Fair Poor Question Title * 13. How likely is it that you would recommend Genesis Programs to a friend or family member? Not at all likely Extremely likely 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Question Title * 14. Is there anything we could have done to improve your last visit? Done